Providence Journal photo / Mary Murphy
Officials cut the ceremonial ribbon marking opening of Phoenix Apartments, 83 units of affordable housing in Providence's West End. They are (l-r) Barbara Fields, regional administrator for HUD in New England; Lawrence H. Curtis of Winn Development; Gov. Lincoln Chafee; Joseph A. Caffey, president of Omni Development Corp.; Richard Godfrey of R.I. Housing; Jeanne Cola, of the Office of Housing and Community Development/Housing Resources Commission and executive director of RI LISC; U.S. Sen. Jack Reed; and Maria F. Barry of Bank of America.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - More than 100 officials and housing advocates gathered in the West End Monday to celebrate the opening of Phoenix Apartments, 83 units of new affordable rental apartments created from the former Medina Village.
"I'd like to thank all those who collaborated on and funded this development," Governor Chafee told the crowd at 570 Cranston St., which houses a new community center.
Nine new buildings were built as part of the $21-million project, and 17 buildings were renovated. The developers are WinnDevelopment, Omni Development Corp. and Rhode Island Housing, which took over ownership after Medina Village went into foreclosure.
The development includes 26 multifamily buildings spread out across Cranston Street, Althea Street, Waverly Street, Bellevue Avenue, Hanover Street and Waldo Street.