CRANSTON -- There is no $10,000 lottery ticket that will expire Dec. 30.
The ticket was redeemed Jan. 3, said Nicole Mineau, Rhode Island Lottery's assistant marketing manager. That information was in the lottery's computer system, but not shared with the lottery's marketing department, which recently alerted the public.
However, the lottery has $127,047 of unclaimed winnings, Mineau said. Tickets must be redeemed within a year of a drawing.
"People may sometimes not realize if they don't win the jackpot, there are subsidiary prizes," Mineau said. "I hope it's not because they lost their ticket."
On Wednesday, Robert Siorito and John Siorito Jr. of East Providence redeemed a $40,000 PowerBall ticket they purchased at Colbea Enterprises, 457 Benefit St., Providence, for the Aug. 8 drawing.