By Thomas J. Morgan
CENTRAL FALLS, R.I. - It's time for a check, mate.
Providence Journal photo / Kathy Borchers
The chess team from Central Falls High School and Middle School might have won the Rhode Island State Chess League championship, making them eligible to compete in the 2013 Supernationals Chess Tournament April 4-7 in Nashville, Tenn., but they don't have the money. And Central Falls is bankrupt.
It will cost $8,000 to send the team, but they have only been able to raise $5,000, according to Frank Delbonis, their coach. The team will hold a "meet the champions" night for the public Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. at Taco Mix Restaurant 723 Broad St., Central Falls.
Donations also may be made through the team's Facebook page. All donations must be received by April 2.