By Amanda Milkovits
PAWTUCKET, R.I. -- The suspicious object found on a sidewalk on Roosevelt Avenue turned out to be an expansion tank for home heating system, said Pawtucket Police Maj. Arthur Martins.
A section of Roosevelt from Exchange Street to Central Street in Central Falls had been blocked off for the investigation.
As of about 12:15 p.m., a robot was being used to check out the object.
Martins said a passerby reported seeing it on the sidewalk on Roosevelt Avenue, across from the Rhode Island Probation Office, around 11:30 a.m. The police called in the State Fire Marshal bomb investigators.
Martins said there were no bomb threats made. But police were being cautious. "It could be discarded trash for all we know," he said.
-- This report was originally posted at 11:50 a.m. and updated at 12:06, 12:12 and 12:18 p.m.