PROVIDENCE - Coastal flooding and sewage bypasses from Hurricane Sandy have caused the state to close Point Judith Pond, Potter Pond, Ninigret
Pond, Quonochontaug Pond and Winnapaug Pond to shellfishing beginning
at noon Tuesday.
The ponds will remain closed until test results indicate these waters are safe for shellfishing, a news release from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management said Tuesday evening.
Previous shellfishing closures also remain in effect for all conditionally -- approved waters of the Conimicut Triangle, Conditional Area A, Greenwich Bay, Mount
Hope Bay, and Kickemuit River, and all seasonally-closed waters. Unless there is more rain or release of sewage, the conditional areas are scheduled to reopen at sunrise on
Wednesday, Nov. 7.
Aquaculturists in closed areas may not harvest but can repair or retrieve equipment if they leave a message for Dave Beutel at (401) 783-3370.
For recorded updates on shellfish closures, call (401) 222-2900.